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  • Which classes are good for a beginner
    All my classes can be modified to any level of fitness. But the best one would be the indoor TONE & STRENGTHEN or Outdoor BTS
  • What if I had previous injuries and can't perform certain movements...Can I still join?
    I can modify any movements or exercises for everyone. Make sure you let me know your limitations or injuries so we can work around them and still give you a great workout
  • If I am pregnant can I still attend these classes?
    With your doctors permission you can still attend all these classes but you might have to modify some exercises and monitor your own intensity.
  • What is the age limit for these classes?
    Anyone can do these from 12-100+. We are all different and it is important to recognize what your body is able to do and not do. Every exercise has its levels of intensity and we need to chose wisely but bravely
  • What do I need to bring to these classes?
    Every class is different. I always send a text reminder to all participants what is needed for the next day's class. Usually you will need a mat, water bottle, good runners, bug spray and sometimes weights
  • What happens if I miss the sign ups and the class I want is full?
    You can ask to be put on the waiting list and when I have an open spot you will be notified. People constantly have appointments and go on vacations so spots are avaliable often. It is best to purchase a punch pass and use it for these drop-ins
  • Can I bring my children along to class?
    I do not have a babysitting service and children tend to take your focus away from workout. However a lot of our classes are in parks with playground close by, so if you feel comfortable having them play near by it is a perfect solution. I do not allow kids to participate along with their parents for safety reasons. PLUS we all need OUR time and children rarely relax us lol
  • Is it normal to be very sore after a workout or did I hurt myself?
    There is a big difference between a muscle sorness and injury and you would know the difference. It is totally normal to be sore after a workout especially on the second day. We want to push our body out of that comfort zone to get results which fatigues our muscles. Drink lots of water, stretch and soak in epsom salts if its real bad. If you feel pain you should see a doctor.
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  • Will the instructor be avaliable during class if I have issues?
    Absolutely. However, I am a participating instructor. I do not stand around and bark orders. I work out along with you and sweat,motivate and sometime complain about how hard it is lol. We are in this together!!
  • Will I get bulky if I lift heavy weights?
    Not unless you are taking some serious supplements. You will build muscle, burn fat and turn your body into a roaring oven....YEAHHHH
  • How long will it take to see some results
    Usually pretty quickly but it depends on so many things. Remember that a proper, healthy diet is 90% of your success. Exercise just helps speed up metabolism, build muscle and improve our cardiovascular makes us feel sooooo good!
  • What happens if a class gets cancelled?
    There are a few reasons why a class would be cancelled. If I become sick and then I would do my best to reschedule that class to a later date. If I get called out to deal with hazard trees ( I am the lead Arborist for the City and with great power comes great responsibility). If there is a severe weather warning (snow, rain, wind, fire, tornado etc) and if that happens the class will not be rescheduled because I have no power over nature...not yet :)
  • If I miss my class can I come to a different one instead?
    In outdoor bootcamps, if you sign up for unlimited classes then you come and go as you please. If you sign up for just one a week it can be any one during the week. If you have a punch pass you can use it for any class outdoor but indoor it can only be used if there is room. Most indoor classes are purchased as a session but sometimes I do have drop-in spots.
  • My friend wants to join. Can I get a discount if she signs up?
    Absolutely. For every person that you bring and they sign up, you will get $10 credit towards your next class or punch pass. And if your friend brings a friend, she or he will get $10 credit
  • What method of payment do you except?
    CASH, CASH AND MORE But you can also E-transfer if you can't get cash to me. Please ask for a receipt if you need one because I do not issue these automatically.
  • Can I get a refund?
    I do not issue refunds. If you need to cancel a class because of medical reasons or because you are moving or the timing of my classes doesn't work for you, I will issue you a credit toward another class which can be transfered to another person. However it will be prorated based on when it was bought and how much you have already used the class
  • What is an EARLY BIRD registration?
    Everytime before I start a new class you will have a short time frame in which you can get a discount. That is usually one week before the regular registration starts.
  • Are there discounts for multiple classes taken?
    Yes. Outdoor bootcamps are perfect example. The discounts get more significant with an addition of one extra day. Also my punch pass gives you a break on pricing also. Drop-in price does not change and a session price is set
  • What is the expiration date for a PUNCH PASS?
    There is no expiration date for a Punch Pass but it can only be used if there is room in class.
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