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THE Mag Turple


My name is Mag Turple and I was born in Poland many years ago... Ok, we are not going that far back. How about I start around the time that fitness became my way of life...

I clearly remember that moment. My first son was born four months earlier and I was pretty disgusted with my body and the way I was feeling. As I was standing naked in front of a full size mirror, I tried to figure out how it was possible for a young body to even look like that.....this was my breaking point! Right then and there I made a promise to myself to change my way of life; not just for me, but also for my son. The next morning, I headed into town and purchased a baby carrier and a pair of inline skates. My journey had began.

Soon, rollerblading was not enough for me. I found some fitness classes and attended them regularly (or some would say, obsessively). Not the worse obsession to have, if you ask me! Have I been a fitness role model since then? Heck no! I slipped here and there. But that deep seeded love for feeling great and looking fit has never left me. After the birth of my second son, I jumped right back on that horse. This time, I knew I was going to stick to it forever. I looked for an interesting way to get back into working out and found it at a Women's Only Fitness. The facility had excellent instructors and a daycare (a must for all stay at home moms). It didn't take long for me to want more than just to attend classes. I wanted to be a part of changing peoples lives. So I decided to become an instructor, a mentor and a personal trainer. Along the way I also fell in love with Jazzercise and become a certified instructor. At that point, I was teaching Jazzercise and I got hired by RDC to teach their fitness classes. I developed a bit of a following. The only natural next step was to format my original workouts and branch off on my own.

2009 was the birth year of my outdoor Bootcamps. Of course, we live in Alberta and our weather dictates how much time we can frolic on grassy hills. Therefore I needed to move these fun activities into a shelter. Since then, we workout all year long. From October to June we train indoors, and June to September we workout all around Red Deer parks.

Around the years 2013/14 I have taken quite an interest in mud races. I have completed Spartan Sprint and Super twice!!! Both times I beat my score and was in the top 3 in my age group. My bootcamps really prepared me for them. We do a lot of mud race related obstacles except...without the mud. I would love to find an obstacle race that does not involve wet, cold mud though....haha. I am thinking of completing some bike races next. Biking is an awesome cardiovascular exercise plus it tones that lower body like nothing else. Swimming laps is my other passion. I love the peaceful feeling when I am in the water.

In the fall of 2015 I was in the best shape of my life. I was swimming three times a week, biking to and from work and teaching classes 5 times a week. And then WHAM! I got hit by a van on my way to work. I was very fortunate and no broken bones or head injuries but I got a ton of soft tissue injuries. It took months and I am still in recovery but being as fit as I was, I managed to spring back quite fast. This experience has taught me many lessons. Mainly, to make sure that you have a balance in your life between your mental, emotional and physical state. So when things get tough you can handle it. I am very grateful for my amazing family and friends for supporting me through all of that.


I have continued to progress my fitness in an upwards direction by I becoming a POUND instructor in November 2017 and enjoin teaching that since.  Just a few months before that, I finally made a full circle and came back to teach at Only Women's Fitness in the Spring of 2017 and brought my creation MAGAFUSION with me. I absolutely loved it there until it suddenly closed in March 2019.  And here again, time to reassess and figure out where to go next?! That is where Body basics came into view. It was the only place that was able to provide us ladies from OWF with a similar schedule and location to what we were used to....  so we made it our new hub. And then there was COVID and once again everything changed. I dove deep into the world of ONLINE FITNESS and never looked back. Today, I am teaching ONLINE several times a week and still running my OUTDOOR CLASSES 3 times per week. Life is super busy just the way I like it.

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